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ProKera Amniotic Membrane Grafts: Healing and Restoration for Your Eyes | Elite Eye Care

Discover the revolutionary ProKera treatment utilizing amniotic membrane grafts to promote healing and relief for various eye conditions. Learn how ProKera works, what to expect before, during, and after the treatment, and the recommended care to maintain the benefits. Schedule a consultation at Elite Eye Care to explore the transformative benefits of ProKera for your ocular health and vision.

What is ProKera?Male dry eye patient has a Prokera placed by a doctor wearing purple latex gloves.

ProKera is an innovative treatment that utilizes amniotic membrane grafts to promote healing and restoration for various eye conditions. The amniotic membrane is derived from the placenta and is a natural source of growth factors and proteins that aid in tissue repair. ProKera grafts come in the form of a therapeutic device placed over the surface of the eye to support the healing process.

How does it work?

ProKera amniotic membrane grafts create a therapeutic environment on the eye’s surface, fostering healing and reducing inflammation. The amniotic membrane provides essential nutrients and growth factors, supporting the regrowth of healthy tissues. This advanced treatment is particularly effective for various ocular surface conditions, such as corneal abrasions, keratitis, and persistent dry eye.


Before Your Treatment:

Before coming in for your ProKera treatment, it’s essential to inform your eye care professional about any existing eye conditions, allergies, or medical history. Follow any pre-treatment instructions provided, such as discontinuing the use of certain eye drops or medications as advised by your eye doctor.

On the Day of Treatment:

During the ProKera treatment, your eye care professional will carefully place the amniotic membrane graft on the affected eye’s surface. Anesthesia eye drops are used to help make sure the placement is comfortable for you.  After the placement, the ProKera device will remain in place to facilitate the healing process.

After the Treatment:

Following the ProKera treatment, you may experience improved comfort and relief from symptoms within a few days. Your eye care professional will provide specific aftercare instructions, which may include using lubricating eye drops or ointments as needed to aid in the healing process. In some cases, additional treatments may be scheduled every 4-6 months to maintain the desired therapeutic effects.

What to Do/Avoid:

To maximize the benefits of ProKera amniotic membrane grafts, follow these post-treatment recommendations:

  • Use any prescribed eye drops or medications as directed.
  • Avoid rubbing or touching your eyes to prevent irritation and infection.
  • Protect your eyes from dust, smoke, and other irritants by wearing protective eyewear.
  • Maintain good eye hygiene and avoid introducing contaminants to the treated eye.
  • Attend follow-up appointments with your eye care professional to monitor progress and ensure optimal results.

With ProKera, experience the power of amniotic membrane grafts in supporting the natural healing process of your eyes, leading to improved comfort and restored vision. Call us  to see if ProKera is the right solution for your specific eye condition and embark on your journey to healthier, more vibrant eyes.